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Our Mission
The mission of the Owings Mills Corporate Roundtable is to facilitate a sense of community among the major employers who are significantly invested in the Owings Mills area. We collaborate to support a diverse and inclusive Owings Mills as a premier destination to live, work and play.

Foundry Row

Owings Mills Corporate Roundtable Will...
Attract and retain high potential businesses
Enhance transportation solutions
Promote the value of Owings Mills as the preferred place to live, work and play in Baltimore County
Expand the diversity of our membership and leadership
Advance the Owings Mills Master Plan and work towards its completion

Board of Directors Meeting Dates
8:00am - 9:30am
November 19
General Membership Meeting Dates
8:00am (7:30 light breakfast, unless otherwise stated)
December 10: 4:30pm - 7:30 pm (Meeting & Social)
*Locations TBD
Contact Us
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